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English Forum 今日: 0|主题: 60

版主: Kenwick, ccue
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
The right moves falafan 2010-3-9 0543 falafan 2010-3-9 17:57:35
Hong Kong stars arrive for TVB awards falafan 2010-2-15 1588 falafan 2010-2-25 23:41:16
Yoyo Mung doesn't mind being second line actress changbo 2009-8-23 7639 Jlo 2010-1-4 05:35:23
Fala Chen a sexy pole dancer in new series, Steven Ma feels its not sexy enough changbo 2009-7-22 10657 Jlo 2010-1-4 05:23:03
Fala Chen rates her theme song singing 70% insanity1903 2009-9-7 14598 funnyting 2009-11-22 16:07:31
27 official complaints on Fala Chen's bra scene; Producer Amy Wong responds, insanity1903 2009-10-3 11673 funnyting 2009-11-22 15:22:08
Fala Chen Fully Supports "Beyond" lovetvb 2009-11-2 4580 Kenwick 2009-11-15 13:50:03
Fala in sexy clothes eating pizza lovetvb 2009-11-5 0571 lovetvb 2009-11-5 07:58:25
Media Prima to show the best on TV next year falafan 2009-11-2 0509 falafan 2009-11-2 12:11:27
english fansite lovetvb 2009-10-2 6599 insanity1903 2009-10-15 01:27:54
Fala Chen as mother in future will "retire" insanity1903 2009-9-25 1467 changbo 2009-9-25 14:36:59
More staff from TVB caught the Swine Flu (H1N1) changbo 2009-9-14 0470 changbo 2009-9-14 00:27:04
Fala Chen & Michael Tse's intimate scenes are superficial changbo 2009-6-17 14731 changbo 2009-9-8 05:26:34
Do you think Fala will also film in October? hyn5 2009-7-6 6605 insanity1903 2009-8-30 11:12:45
Fala Chen loves sportscars and wants to look hot in it changbo 2009-8-25 4556 aldridge0719 2009-8-25 23:40:17
Michael Tse led the way for fund raising appeal in the street changbo 2009-8-21 9537 aldridge0719 2009-8-21 22:06:12
Fala Chen - Has Never Concealed Herself (MingPao 2127) hyn5 2009-8-16 2525 依一994 2009-8-16 11:29:10
Fala Chen gives herself 60% on her acting performance changbo 2009-8-14 4529 insanity1903 2009-8-15 11:40:56
Michael Tse happy that "Laughing Gor Movie" did well on ticket sales changbo 2009-8-11 3503 hyn5 2009-8-12 08:40:01
Fala Chen hopes to win the Newcomer Award changbo 2009-8-9 4486 Kenwick 2009-8-9 14:49:56

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