CindyTVB:剛從日本回來,昨天@陳法拉,在SHISEIDO General Manager, MARUYAMA-san 見證下,跟日本代言人粟山千明,及韓國大使崔智友一齊簽名,成為SHISEIDO WHITE LUCENT 2011大使,宣揚美白信息.雖然當地氣溫真是好冷,每天都落雪,但三天行程都是窩心充滿暖意的...
谁是“瘋總女人”?hahaha why you all got so many nicknames for people? anyway ya 现在想想法拉虽然有很多活动但真的没什么电视广告other than the 年糕的。可能法拉有很多八卦新闻,所以影响到形象来宣传品牌。作者: momoamos 时间: 2011-1-25 22:15:56
tdy89 发表于 2011-1-25 22:14
回复 momoamos 的帖子
谁是“瘋總女人”?hahaha why you all got so many nicknames for people? anyway ...
ya, a pity that most women regard their own kind without the proper respect...if they themselves dont view their own kind with respect, they cant expect others to do so too. and i guess why most women have such mentality is due to the media as well. it's easier for the media to portray women as weaklings and men as the masculine the only way for women to survive is through such means so such images of women are propagated. society is male dominated, so portraying women as being more successful than men, will endanger the masculine men's position in society. 作者: 星辰茜鳶 时间: 2011-1-26 10:31:01